Property sales to speed up
The Electronic Real Estate File will be piloted in the next few days, leading to much quicker property transfers, while the online system will be fully operational from November 1. However, in the first phase and until the cadastral register is extended throughout the country, the transfers will only concern properties located in areas that have been registered in the National Cadaster and where a cadastral office is operating.
In this way, notaries will be able to obtain the necessary supporting documents (in the period of the test run approximately seven supporting documents will be obtained) and complete the relevant contracts in a short period of time, without having to wait for the municipalities, the tax office or other Greek state bodies to issue them.
All documents will be retrieved through interoperability, while the Electronic Real Estate File’s platform will be accessible through the Single Digital Portal of the Public Administration ( The users of the platform will be the notaries who draw up the notarial deed and the contracting parties (i.e. buyers and sellers).
The notary will first enter the electronic platform and submit a transfer request by entering the VAT numbers of the buyer and the seller. The seller will then enter the platform to access the transfer request created by the notary and authorize him or her to collect documents and information and complete all the necessary actions for the purpose of drawing up the deed. Then the buyer will enter the platform to authorize the notary for the same purposes, thereby completing the transfer request and creating the electronic file of the transfer.
The notary will enter the platform to request the issuance of the necessary supporting documents for the drawing up of the notarial deed and/or to collect them, as the case may be.
The supporting documents include the title of ownership, ENFIA and TAP payment certificates, social security clearance, confirmation of the identity of the building etc.