What to prefer: what type of property in Greece to buy?
So, after the pros and cons are discussed, you have decided to buy something in Greece. Now it's time to choose a place for rest, for quiet vacations, close to nature. It is now the time to choose what type of property will suit your needs?
Perhaps the following tips will help you make this important decision
New ready-detached houses and villas in Greece:
The main advantage of the newly built houses and villas in Greece is the possibility of immediately enter it and live. A few years ago it was difficult to find a new home built by all European construction and legal standards. Meanwhile, the situation has completely changed in recent years, and now you will not be difficult to find a house in that place, you have chosen to settle (here it is necessary to make a note that it is still hard to find a new and modern house or town house on the beach for 100,000 euros, but for a larger amount, you can choose a beautiful and high quality new homes and villas). However, you should spend some time to compare the location of the objects, their proximity or remoteness from infrastructure, ease of layout, quality construction and decoration of the building, areas that will always be reflected in the price of the house. What we recommend to do: everything is very simple: define a region in Greece that you like, check a wide range of new and modern houses in Greece from our portfolio in our site in the "ready-made houses and villas", select the ones that meet your needs, and do not hesitate to ask additional information, to be able to know the maximum details of the project before the view, to enable us to select the options most appropriate for you and to show you only those houses that fits your budget and your criteria and requirements. Pls check the offers here
New finished houses or townhouse complexes (condominiums), possibly during the construction phase.
If you can not afford a new finished house, with a large plot, however you do not want to sacrifice the quality of the structure in favor of cheaper options, then perhaps you should pay attention to the townhouses and maisonettes in new complexes or gated communities; often they are in the construction stage. More often, this is a large piece of land which is divided into smaller plots, on which Construction Company is building houses or townhouses. Very often in these new complexes there is private infrastructure: swimming pools, and a children's playground, café or mini-market, and so on. Such offers will help you to save money as the builder can share the cost of permits for construction, design and other documents in all future owners of homes. As the result: the cost of the construction and the documentation is significantly reduced. Also these types of communities have common security and post-sale support which is very convenient. Therefore, if you do not mind to live close to neighbors, definitely an option of townhouses and maisonettes in new complexes is for you.
Maybe it will not be the make decision made point for you, nevertheless we wish to emphasize that very often such projects are prepared to obtain simplified license EOT (Greek Tourism Organisation) which allows to rent you house during holiday season legally. Take a look at our "townhouses in Greece" to get an idea of what's going on.
The unique properties and historic houses for restoration
Do you prefer to have a house with character, where you can see traditional construction, naturally aged materials, furniture and decoration, typical for Greece? There is not a lot of such houses in our portfolio. There are not a lot of ready-made and carefully restored objects of this kind, ready to move in right now. But maybe you're the one who ready for adventure called recovery-repair / restoration of old traditional houses and historical heritage and will apply your knowledge, your personal skills and abilities, your own artistic taste and eventually your connection to Greek history? We are ready to help you you can find some offers in our catalogue that called "Historical houses and in Greece" or write request info@res-greece.com and we will try to find you a "perfect home in Greece" c tailored to your desires and possibilities.
But keep in mind, the main condition of success in the process of restoration, renovation and restoration, capable and reliable architect and contractor, who will be able to monitor the project and keep you informed as coming to Greece to control the process costs a lot, keep track of the quality used in the restoration materials : wood, stone, tile, accurately assess and ensure the condition of the foundation, walls, ceilings, etc. They are responsible for all legal work permits, carried a piece of old architecture and it is very important. Thanks to our strategic relations with renowned builders and architects, we are ready to recommend the best representatives of these industry, ready to take on all the obligations under renovation / repairs that you can trust, to demand a full report on document management, financial and technical side of the process.
A plot of land to build your house in Greece
The most flexible of all options is the possibility to choose a piece of land to build your house according to your plans, desires, abilities and budget. As it was mentioned above, the primary goal and the key to success in this case is a capable and reliable architect and contractor, who will be able to monitor the project and keep you informed, otherwise it will cost you a budget, to monitor the quality of the materials used: wood, stone, tiles, accurately assess and ensure the quality and compliance with building codes. It is also very important to their ability to follow the planned steps and stick to deadlines construction. we are ready to recommend the best representatives of the building companies, ready to take on all the obligations of the construction works, which you can trust, to demand a full report on document management, financial and technical side of the process.
Browse our section of building plots in Greece and do not forget to read our articles and advices and tips on what to look for, how to build; this is the best way to understand what you want and map out a plan of action.